Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP)

We can help you stay in compliance!

Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP), the highest pressure at which a pipeline may be operated under PHMSA regulation. Validating the MAOP of a pipeline is required during the life of a pipeline and with the recent PHMSA changes, you may currently be:

  • Out of compliance and need validation?
  • Looking for guidance on the rule changes?
  • In need of experienced staff to meet the changes by PHMSA?

BlackRock Resources has the resources and a plan to help keep everyone in compliance.With the new DOT regulations regarding MAOP Validation put in place in October of 2019, many companies are finding themselves overwhelmed and understaffed to meet the new regulations.

With the new DOT regulations regarding MAOP Validation put in place in October of 2019, many companies are finding themselves overwhelmed and understaffed to meet the new regulations. Don’t get bogged down in paperwork let BlackRock Resources do the heavy lifting with qualified and experienced personnel who are capable of sifting through the existing backlogs of pipeline records, to determine if all the necessary documents are in place for your pipeline to be in compliance with the new DOT regulations. Additional expertise that can be offered related to MAOP validation include the following:

  • Review existing pipeline and hydrostatic records of the pipeline to verify that the necessary documentation is in place to meet the newly approved code requirements
  • Determining the Class Location of a pipeline segment and if documentation exist that details how this was determined.
  • Reading through in line inspection data to determine changes in wall thickness due to external/internal corrosion
  • Determining the new MAOP due to an increase in the width of a road right of way or a new road development if a crossing is uncased
  • Define if there is a development of a High Consequence Area within the Potential Impact Radius (PIR)
  • Complete the necessary calculations to determine if the MAOP needs to decreased
  • Determine if additional valve sets are required due to the change in class location
  • Aid in determining if the pipeline needs to retested, replaced or if the MAOP needs to be lowered.

Don’t waste your companies valuable time and money chasing your tail, let BlackRock Resources, validate the MAOP of your company’s existing pipelines.

Resourcing Energy Expertise!