Field Office Management Services

BlackRock Resources professional Field Managers ensure that all field operations are coordinated, organized, and managed in the most efficient manner possible. Our team members possess a unique skillset that make them ideally suited to the task; excellent organizational, communication, and time management skills with an eye always on accuracy.

BlackRock Resources Field Office Managers:

  • Set up, organize, and maintain construction site offices at the beginning of the project.
  • Maintain a filing system for project-related documents.
  • Collect and distribute project documents, progress reports, etc., to the PM.
  • Collect data and maintain a database of items installed for daily progress reports and invoice quantification purposes.
  • Acquire and maintain information pertaining to potential project changes, which may affect schedule and costs.
  • Maintain daily Contractor manpower and equipment loading on time and material projects.
  • Manage the RFI/Change Order process, which includes managing RFI and Change Order logs, generating change directives, reviewing Contractor requested changes, and preparing approved Change Orders.

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